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Understanding the Essential Facts About Scientific Law

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Anarchism And Advocacy

What is anarchism all about? Whenever public protests spark into chaotic behavior, the general media are generally quick to label “anarchy” and also to “anarchists”. Those who are known as…

How Laws are made?

To grasp the concept of law, we initially have to understand our communities. Laws are teaching us the proper way to behave while informing us at the same time the…


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The White House Illuminated!

Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson / obamawhitehouse.archives.gov

Built to be illuminated in the manner typical to the entire world at the start of the 19th century, the White House (the President’s house) in 1800 acquired natural light coming in through its windows that extended 14 ft high and also 5 ft across. The very first occupants of the White House dragged dining tables and chairs near to the windows so that they can write and read, sew or shine silver at day time. At night, candles and lamps illuminate the entire house.

After the use of lard oil, candles, and oil lamps and before the use of industrial pendant lights, electricity was introduced to the White House in the year 1891, at the time of Benjamin Harrison. It was part of a project to wire the entire State buildings including War and Navy buildings too. Today, this building is known as the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. The electrical works were installed by the Edison company.

The fairly new way of illumination was supposed to be just a back up to the gaslight, but eventually all the rooms in the White house were lit by electricity. The whole electrical wiring structure was changed at the time of the main repair of the White House in the year 1902. At that time, only the service areas maintained the gaslight fixtures which were only utilized in times of power failure.

The White House Lighting Since 1902

The White House had gone through many upgrades since the year 1902. In 1979, solar panels were installed on the West Wing roof in order to heat the supply of water for the staff of the White House. In 1986, the panels were taken out in the course of roof maintenance. Solar power panels made a return in 2014 and were included in the main roof to produce a renewable energy supply.

The goal of preserving the legacy of the White House had been funded with intentions to conserve the history of the White House includes these light fixtures which help in the historic legacy of the executive mansion’s lighting.

See more about White House lighting in the history of the United States.

The History of White House Menorah and The Presidents who Honored the Lighting


Will Trump’s National Emergency Declaration be His Final Undoing?

The February 15 deadline passed with the approval of the remaining budget; averting another partial government shutdown. Although Pres. Trump affixed his signature as his concurrence on the appropriations budget approved by Congress, he is not happy with the less than $1.4 billion appropriated for  his US-Mexico border wall project.

Immediately after the signing, Trump declared the US South Border under a state of National Emergency. That way, he can assert his privilege to use $6 billion in military and home defense funding, as well as dip his hands to take out $600 million in the Treasury’s Forfeiture Funds. That denotes, the US president intends to augment the $1.4 Congress-approved appropriations with an additional $6.6 billion.

Trump Loses Solid Support of Republicans in Congress

The declaration sent a wave of negative reactions even from fellow Republicans, as many are certain that the declaration will not go unchallenged by Congress. If Trump continues to lose the support of Republican allies in Congress, the declaration may prove to be his final undoing.

The current US state of affairs is in a limbo, with Trump engaging in trade wars not only with China but also with neighboring countries Canada and Mexico, and with European Union countries as well. A failing economy only makes the US an easier target to overpower.

Everyone Except Trump and Advisers Know What is Happening in the South Border

Threats of national security because the south border wall is not high enough remain a product of Trump’s twisted imagination. After all, no matter how high the walls Trump builds, underground tunnels have been built beneath the bollard-style fences; making it possible for illegal immigrants to make their way past the US border.

Decreasing Homeland Defense is considered a greater security risk. Does Trump even know that Homeland Defense, through the help of local and state police, foiled drug operations carried out by way of various underground tunnels built by Mexico drug lords? Probably not, since he vehemently believes that

”Walls work 100% of the time.”

Understanding the Essential Facts About Scientific Law

Scientific Laws are present in all types of natural science, such as, but not limited to chemistry, biology, or physics. Mainly because the mathematical equation used in expressing a scientific law represents information that is constantly present under alike natural conditions. A natural condition being one that occurs without interference by man.


A Popular Example of Scientific Law

The most common scientific law cited as example, is that of Sir Isaac Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation. His observations about the distance, mass and gravitational force affecting acceleration of objects positioned on Earth, compared to the acceleration of the moon, were summed in his mathematical equation F= G*((m sub 1*m sub 2)/r^2).

F being the force of attraction between two bodies observed. G being the Universal Gravitational Constant that is determined by taking into account the mass of the first, and of the second subjects under observation (m sub 1 and m sub 2); as well as the distance (r) between the centers of each subject.

Newton’s scientific law merely offers proof that gravity exists universally. It extends beyond the boundaries of Earth, in which gravitational attraction occurs in all objects and in magnitudes that are inversely proportional to the distance separating each object. Yet this particular law which Newton formulated in the 17th century still did not offer explanations why the phenomenon occurs. That is because a scientific law only recapitulates by way of mathematical equation, consistent information derived from repeated observations of a natural condition.

Explanations pertaining to gravitational forces and how it works, came around 3 centuries later, after Albert Einstein came up with his “Theory of General Relativity.” Theory therefore, is another aspect of a scientific method.
