Understanding the Essential Facts About Scientific Law

Understanding the Essential Facts About Scientific Law

Scientific Laws are present in all types of natural science, such as, but not limited to chemistry, biology, or physics. Mainly because the mathematical equation used in expressing a scientific law represents information that is constantly present under alike natural conditions. A natural condition being one that occurs without interference by man.


A Popular Example of Scientific Law

The most common scientific law cited as example, is that of Sir Isaac Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation. His observations about the distance, mass and gravitational force affecting acceleration of objects positioned on Earth, compared to the acceleration of the moon, were summed in his mathematical equation F= G*((m sub 1*m sub 2)/r^2).

F being the force of attraction between two bodies observed. G being the Universal Gravitational Constant that is determined by taking into account the mass of the first, and of the second subjects under observation (m sub 1 and m sub 2); as well as the distance (r) between the centers of each subject.

Newton’s scientific law merely offers proof that gravity exists universally. It extends beyond the boundaries of Earth, in which gravitational attraction occurs in all objects and in magnitudes that are inversely proportional to the distance separating each object. Yet this particular law which Newton formulated in the 17th century still did not offer explanations why the phenomenon occurs. That is because a scientific law only recapitulates by way of mathematical equation, consistent information derived from repeated observations of a natural condition.

Explanations pertaining to gravitational forces and how it works, came around 3 centuries later, after Albert Einstein came up with his “Theory of General Relativity.” Theory therefore, is another aspect of a scientific method.
