In order for a community, i.e. a group of people, to become socially acceptable, it must think about how the individual problems that arise when living together can be solved. So you need decisions on questions that arise. Decisions will consist of the operation of communication. The power to communicate, or rather, to make decisions, has to be regulated. Same with iPhone iCloud unlock, this has to be regulated.
Politics is the attempt to turn a community into a society
So that differences of opinion can be avoided and a clear regulation can be found, which of course means order, there must be laws that apply to everyone and correspond to the common good. Inevitably, there must be the possibility in a society that problems that affect society can be solved. In order to ensure that the problems are solved in the interests of society, one must discuss and vote on proposed solutions.
Society needs laws, rules and norms
When a law has been discussed in such a way that it corresponds to the opinion of the majority, that law is passed by the majority. In order for the law to be respected, you need force.
Politics is the distribution of power to authorized persons
Politics is when you think about how you can change society and actively try to communicate these thoughts, politics is work on the content. Which means are needed for this do not play a role in relation to the question of what politics is. They then play a role in making decisions effective. So what does politics need?
So every person who lives in a society has the opportunity to be politically active and it does not matter what social class he comes from and how much influence, i.e. power, he has. A prerequisite for this is not a democracy either, because everyone who communicates his or her political thoughts is politically active.
Politics is in the first step communicating theories about changing society and the second step is trying to enforce them. That means that in the second step, you use the power you have to enforce your theory. Power is something that politics definitely needs, but it is not the essence of politics, because that is the pursuit of a binding order.